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Red Line Extension
Segment C-1:
95th/State to 119th St.

Corridor Demographics/Characteristics: Segment C1

The southern extension of the Red Line to 119th Street is the first project in a program of major rapid transit improvements on the Far South Side. The extension will help relieve pressure on the busiest among all of CTA’s heavy rail rapid transit stations. It will improve travel time for thousands of transit-dependent riders by reducing or eliminating the need for time-consuming bus transfers.
By connecting with the Metra Electric Mainline at 119th St. (new commuter rail station), it will also open transportation options to suburban and reverse-commuters.

Alignment Description

Coming Soon!

Stations and System Connectivity

Coming Soon!

Independent Utility and Operations:.

Operates as an extension of the existing Red Line

Ridership Potential:

Coming Soon!

Economic Development Potential:

Coming Soon!

Recreational and Cultural Opportunities:

Coming Soon!

Environmental Studies/Preliminary Engineering:
Final Design:

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